Monday, February 6, 2012

Jonah's wedding: Gemma + Reece

We definitely had our share of wet weddings last year. And, to be honest, I'm thinking of changing my status to "Weather-proof Wedding Photographer; storms, cyclones, west and east winds welcome". If I was to leave photography, I could become an umbrella critique: The see-through, the Vintage, the Great White, the Frilly have no secrets for me. I have one to match every wedding dress. Unless you decide to go for a Twilight theme, in which case please bring your own.

For some reason, starting 2012 I thought this was all behind us and surely we would start afresh with a bit of normality, at least for Australia. Little did I know...

Don't get me wrong, I've developed a real liking for photos in the rain for all the drama and arty potential it brings. Rain and I are now best buddies and give each other hi-fives at the start of every shoot. The irony however is that Reece and Gemma are from... the UK! So much for getting married in the land of sunshine!


  1. Beautiful wedding! Love how you worked WITH the rain! just gorgeous!

  2. These are gorgeous!!! Every single one!
